Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Global Population essays
Global Population essays One of the biggest problems with the world today is our rapidly growing global population. With the current population being at over 6 billion, every second five people are born and two people die which means the population grows by 3 people per second. I predict that if we do not do something about this problem soon, the Earth is going to reach its maximum capacity and we will slowly run out of resources, which could cause wide-spread famine and eventually lead to the population dropping down to a normal level again, or perhaps there may be a natural disaster such as a worldwide earthquake that would leave only a select 1000 people living. We need to act now to prevent a disaster such as this happening. I believe that if we teach sex education properly in all of our schools, and the people of the world are able to accuire birth control easily when they need it we can stop this expeditiously growing problem. Our survival depends on population control and also better management of our precious natural resources. Because we are very limited in the amount, natural resources need to be managed accordingly. We should plan a new way to manage the planets natural resources. As our population grows, most of our problems will only worsen. These problems include air and water pollution, not enough fresh water, too many overcrowded schools, quality of life may become worse, taxes increase, crimes increase, people with out jobs or homes, soil pollution. The chance of having one natural disaster take down all of the population but a select few is extremely slim, but possible. Earth has a unique way of working, and if there are too many people on the planet, mother nature may take control. We need to find other methods of controlling the population so that we do not have to suffer through death or the death of loved ones. We can stop this problem, but it wont just happen, people have to do s...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Blackwater Draw - 12,000 Years of Hunting in New Mexico
Blackwater Draw - 12,000 Years of Hunting in New Mexico Blackwater Draw is an important archaeological site associated with the Clovis period, people who hunted mammoths and other large mammals in the North American continent between 12,500–12,900 calendar years ago (cal BP). When Blackwater Draw was first inhabited, a small spring-fed lake or marsh near what is now Portales, New Mexico was populated with extinct forms of elephant, wolf, bison, and horse, and the people who hunted them. Generations of many of the earliest occupants of the New World lived at Blackwater Draw, creating a layer cake of human settlement debris including Clovis (radiocarbon dated between 11,600–11,000 [RCYBP]), Folsom (10,800–10,000 years BP), Portales (9,800–8,000 RCYBP), and Archaic (7,000–5,000 RCYBP) period occupations. History of Blackwater Draw Excavations Evidence of the earliest occupation at what was to be known as the Blackwater Draw site was sent to the Smithsonian Institution in 1929, but full-scale excavation didnt happen until 1932 after the New Mexico roads department began quarrying in the neighborhood. Edgar B. Howard of the University of Pennsylvania Museum conducted the first excavations there between 1932–33, but he was hardly the last. Since then, excavators have included many of the best archaeologists in the New World. John L. Cotter, E. H. Sellards and Glen Evans, A.E. Dittert and Fred Wendorf, Arthur Jelinek, James Hester, and Jerry Harbour, Vance Haynes, William King, Jack Cunningham, and George Agogino all worked at Blackwater Draw, sometimes ahead of the sporadic gravel mining operations, sometimes not. Finally, in 1978, the site was bought by Eastern New Mexico University, who operate a small onsite facility and the Blackwater Draw museum, and to this day conduct archaeological investigations. Visiting Blackwater Draw Visiting the site is an experience not to be missed. In the intervening millennia since the prehistoric occupations of the site, the climate has dried out, and the remnants of the site now lie 15 feet and more below the modern surface. You enter the site from the east and wander down along a self-guided path into the depths of the former quarry operations. A large windowed shed protects the past and current excavations; and a smaller shed protects a Clovis-period hand-dug well, one of the earliest water control systems in the New World; and one of at least 20 total wells on-site, mostly dated to the American Archaic. The Blackwater Draw Museum website at Eastern New Mexico University has one of the best public programs describing any archaeological site. Go see their Blackwater Draw website for more information and pictures of one of the most important Paleoindian archaeological sites in the Americas. Selected Sources Andrews, Brian N., Jason M. Labelle, and John D. Seebach. Spatial Variability in the Folsom Archaeological Record: A Multi-Scalar Approach. American Antiquity 73.3 (2008): 464–90. Print.Boldurian, Anthony T. Clovis Type-Site, Blackwater Draw, New Mexico: A History, 1929–2009. North American Archaeologist 29.1 (2008): 65–89. Print.Buchanan, Briggs. An Analysis of Folsom Projectile Point Resharpening Using Quantitative Comparisons of Form and Allometry. Journal of Archaeological Science 33.2 (2006): 185–99. Print.Grayson, Donald K., and David J. Meltzer. Revisiting Paleoindian Exploitation of Extinct North American Mammals. Journal of Archaeological Science 56 (2015): 177–93. Print.Haynes, C. Vance and James M. Warnica. Geology, Archaeology, and Climate Change in Blackwater Draw, New Mexico: F. Earl Green and the Geoarchaeology of the Clovis Type Site. Eastern New Mexico Contributions in Anthropology 15, 2012Seebach, John D. Stratigraphy and Bonebe d Taphonomy at Blackwater Draw Locality No. 1 During the Middle Holocene (Altithermal). Plains Anthropologist 47.183 (2002): 339–58. Print.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Differiating Between Market Structures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Differiating Between Market Structures - Essay Example The first part of the paper will identify the market structure of the high technology industry; outline the market share of Samsung Corporation, explain why I decided upon this marketing structure and how different the marketing structure is from other alternatives. Part two of the paper will identify four competitive strategies that may be used by Samsung to maximize its profits effectively within the high tech industry’s competitive environment. More so the paper will evaluate the efficiency of these strategies in the market structure. Market structure of the high technology industry High technology industries are prone to the same market forces just like any other industry, but there exist few forces that are stronger in the high tech industry. Research claims that these forces affected the market structure of high technology industry in the 1890s and are still affecting the same industry to date. The high technology industry falls under an imperfectly competitive market st ructure, which means that products and services are highly differentiated (Varian, 2001). There are vast factors that arise from effective price discrimination that affects the high technology industry. These factors include personalization of products and pricing, versioning, bundling, switching costs, lock-in and economics of scale. Differentiation of products and services - The information technology allows flexible observation and analysis of consumer behavior, which in turn brings in various kinds of marketing strategies that seemed impossible on a large scale. For instance, a seller can offer prices and goods that are differentiated through individualized behavior and characteristics. Ideally, the high technology industry allows the market of one phenomenon where customers can personalize their prices (Varian, 2001). The high technology industry customers can personalize their adverts on the front pages online and can still buy a personally configured computer. According to th e theory of monopoly first degree price discrimination in most industries charge the highest prices they can to each customer, but the technology industry’s case is different because online sellers face competition from each other as well as from online sellers; hence, further stiffening the competition. Versioning - Versioning is a second-degree price discrimination that usually falls under product quality, which means that sellers design product line that appeals to different market segmentation. For instance, the latest trend of DVD version sells at a higher price and has a lot of content, an aspect that studios uses to discriminate prices between collectors and viewers, as well as between buyers and renters. Bundling - Bundling is the process of selling two or more distinct goods together for a single price. In the technology industry, these goods are â€Å"small†information goods like the individual items of web content that are sold in extremely large bundles. B undling affects the economy by reducing the dispersion of willingness to pay as well as increase entry barriers, but it enhances firm profits and overall efficiency (Varian, 2001). For instance, instead of a soft w3are company selling a word processor and a spreadsheet separately at different prices, the company could combine the two products and sell them at a higher price. Switching cost - Unlike other industries, switching costs in the high technolo
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The need for divorce reform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The need for divorce reform - Essay Example In 1966, the Law Commission undertook a study and noted that 40% of illegitimate births occurred in stable families, a factor that mooted reform in the divorce laws. There is a need to evaluate social evidence in making the estimation about the need for reform and the kinds of reform that will be appropriate. Proposals for reform in the divorce process were mooted by Government4 in a report that examined the viability of mediation as an option in handling divorce costs in view of rising costs that were accruing to contestants in a divorce. As a result of the need for reform that was identified in this report, the Family Law Act of 1996 was passed by Parliament in 1996, whereby divorce is granted on the basis of an irretrievable breakdown of a marriage. While this law introduces many useful amendments, the problem is that some of the provisions are still not operational and may not be brought into effect. Some of the major grounds that permit divorce are (a) adultery (b) unreasonable behavior (c) separation (d) two years separation with consent (e) five years separation without consent. The major causes of divorce are adultery and unreasonable behavior, reflecting the changing social mores that have created single parent families, step parents, same sex parents and extended family units. In view of the issues that rise in a divorce settlement, including high costs and the need to reduce acrimony in the divorce for the welfare of the children that may be involved in the divorce process, arbitration may emerge as a viable process.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Critical Review of Danger Boy Essay Example for Free
Critical Review of Danger Boy Essay Mark Williams’ â€Å"Danger Boy: Ancient fire†is set in 2019. It is a science fiction and time travelling novel. The text explores the effects of building a time machine. In Mark Williams’ novel, he examines the negative impact of futurist technology. Although the concept of time travelling may seem appealing at first glance, there is an ultimately destructive consequence that comes with it, like losing a love one. The novel opens with an argument between Eli’s father, Sandusky, and Mr Howe, a representative from a government department. Mr Howe persuades Sandusky to invent a machine that can slow down time in a force field. Sandusky’s wife, a scientist, assists Sandusky to invent the time travelling machine but she is sucked into the machine and travels back in time. Therefore, Sandusky is urged to produce another time machine that can slow down time with a more stable core. Upon starting up the machine, a piece of old paper emerges. Eli reaches for the newspaper and gets sucked into the year of Alexandria (415 C. E). Eli and his companion, a dinosaur and an Alexandrian, seeks to reunite Sandusky’s wife, returning to the present day life and save the world from the fatal disease that has slipped through time. The novel is structured by different narrative perspectives, in which different characters narrate the story from their personal point of view and experience. This type of structure of narrative point of views offers the reader a different perspective of the world from three characters: Eli, Clyne and Thea. The writer’s intention here may be to demonstrate the reality is never black or white, but can be interpreted and understood in different ways in different individuals. However, the one limitation to this type of structure is that the reader may experience confusion in attempting to understand the flow of the story, in which disputes the coherency of events. There are no obvious clues to indicate the change of the protagonist. The only visible clue available is the chapter title and the narrator’s name. Hence, this confuses us in terms of identifying the protagonist. As the reader continues to read, they will encounter an acronym many times before it gives its meaning. There are instances in the text when certain words such as â€Å"WHOMPEs†suddenly appear, which disrupts the flow of the story. Reading this novel for the first time will confuse the reader. As the reader progresses through the novel, Sandusky explains to Eli what a â€Å"WHOMPERs†is. It is a â€Å"Wide Orbiting Massless ParticlE Reversers. †The writers intention suggest that the scientific invention is an abstract idea which is foreign to humanity. The author uses a stream of consciousness to enable the reader to engage with the thought process of the character. When Sandusky answered Eli’s question about time, he replied ‘you go into the Fifth Dimension†¦hard to tell the difference between time and space, or when and where. Or even who and what. †This encourages the reader to think and be in the mind of the narrator. This is a really good idea for advanced readers who want to think beyond the novel. Williams’ got inspired to write the novel by his son. He got the idea when his son was running down the hallway yelling out â€Å"I’m a Danger Boy! †The novel’s setting is based on where he lives, which is LA. There could be a connection between the novel’s setting and where he lives. One connection is that LA is a place for relaxation and tourism. The main character travels to LA with his father to relax a bit after the tragic incident. One of the major themes in â€Å"Danger Boy†is time traveling. Time traveling is frequent in the novel. It happens when ever Eli puts his â€Å"WHOMPER†charged baseball cap on. Another theme them is history. History is shown in this novel from many perspectives. It is seen by going back in time to Alexandria (415 C. E). The main motif in the novel is a baseball cap. It is a motif because it’s a device that allows Eli to time travel. Without the baseball cap, Eli would just be like any other ordinary kid. This novel can be compared with Audrey Niffenegger’s â€Å"The Time Traveller’s Wife†. The two novels involve the same themes; history and time travelling. In â€Å"Danger Boy†Eli becomes a time traveller after he touches a time machine. He travels back in time to Alexandria. He can control when he wants to time travel, but can’t control on where it’ll take him. In â€Å"The Time Traveller’s Wife†Henry is born with a genetic disorder. This genetic disorder allowed him to time travel. There was one thing that he can’t control. It is where he lands from time travelling and when he time travels. Ultimately, Williams has created an adventurous and exciting novel. The book was exciting because it produced tension into whether the protagonists find Margret or not. The writer produced a text that was a bit difficult to read and establishment of the main character. The author shaped the words in the sentences really strangely which sometimes doesn’t make sense or it is not suitable, so the reader needs to re-read it to understand it. This novel should be raising questions about time travel, especially in the future.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Causing Generation X :: essays research papers
Teenagers wasting 2.3 million dollars worth of gas a year driving around the same block. Kids at the mall for the sole purpose of shop-lifting. Underage consumption parties. Stealing lawn ornaments. These are just some of the effects of Generation X growing up. Â Â Â Â Â The main cause of this destruction of youth is the crumbling of families. No more “Wait until your father gets home from work and ask him'; but “I wonder if we’re going to see a child support check before Christmas.'; With the divorce rate skyrocketing, us kids are feeling more like burdens than blessings. All the problems divorce causes can rip apart a child, and leave him/her craving attention, whether it is negative or positive. To make it worse, while the only parent they live with is working, the two kids turn into a huge group of people decide to make prank phone calls and try beer for the first time. Addictions form and on and on. Pretty soon the kids acting up in class, (more attention, the perfect kind, peer,) getting smashed on the weekends and waking up in someone else’s puke. Â Â Â Â Â Another big reason is boredom. This where my syndrome stems from. There is honestly NOTHING to do in Tuscarwaras County. If you have money in the winter you can bowl, watch a High School basketball game, go to the YMCA, see a movie, go shopping, drive around, experiment with make-up and different types of clothes, get on the Internet, and watch TV. With no money in the winter, we can watch TV, get on the Internet, vandalize, steal , try to bum cigarettes and other such things. The reason the police log is so long every morning is not because kids are heathens, it’s because we are bored. If there was a dance club, a clean place to play pool, an indoor swimming pool , etc., that was free, I guarantee you the problems would clear up. I huge issue that stands out is the whole bike/skateboard thing. Dover/Phila has a huge problem with us riding in town and in allies. I’ve been yelled at hundreds of times “This isn’t a bike park! Get the He*l away form here!'; Well, if they’d build us a place instead of whining about it for months and getting our hopes up then saying no. In order to keep us out of trouble, we need to be occupied with good things It’s not that we don’t want to be.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How Business Strategy and Hr Strategy Are or Should Be Linked Together
Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management Anna Morozova Essay How business strategy and HR strategy are or should be linked together? Moscow, 2011 Departments are the entities organizations form to organize people, reporting relationships, and work in a way that best supports the accomplishment of the organization's goals. Departments are usually organized by functions such as human resources, marketing, administration, and sales. The forward thinking human resource department is devoted to providing effective policies, procedures, and people-friendly guidelines and support within companies.Additionally, the human resource function serves to make sure that the company mission, vision, values or guiding principles, the company metrics, and the factors that keep the company guided toward success are optimized. Of executives surveyed, 20% currently use the HR department as active and innovative business solution partners. 20% believe that the HR department should remai n as administrative overhead and only perform transactional work. But, 60% of the executives are starting to expect the HR department to partner with others departments to improve the company’s core competencies and competitive advantages.Competitive pressure in a fast changing business world – pressures for sales, talent, and profits. Most CEO’s are held accountable for three general but powerful results: Increasing revenue, generating cash, and reducing costs. In order to focus on these three accountabilities, executives are discarding paradigms that no longer work as companies seek to stay in and grow their business. Many CEOs and CFOs are more interested in the payoff and are asking appropriate questions: What’s in it for the company? Where is the improvement in the revenue stream? How does this get us new customers and retain our current customers.Where is the proof of corporate performance enhancement metrics? Once they get solid answers to these questions from competent HR leaders, the CEOs are quick to change their thinking. To answer the payoff questions, recognize that a continual company-wide value chain analysis is critical to the success of any organization. Over the past decade, CEOs began demanding that their Human Resources departments deliver flawless functional work and become a knowledgeable partner with all other disciplines to advance the business plan of the company. Individual professional silos are breaking down.Disciplines such as finance, sales, marketing, operations, and HR no longer exist as stand-alone entities. They are inter-dependent with one another. Weakness of any one of the links inhibits other links from maximizing their efficiency and productivity. These three emerging concepts in the practice of HR bear examination: * What value does the HR department brings to the organization. Many HR teams lack a vision that includes their value to the organization. Do the HR department’s activitie s directly help the company achieve its broad business objectives?Are the HR team’s arguments for or against a business strategy credible to the other department heads at the decision making table? How are the HR department strategies that benefit the employees, the shareholders, the customers, and all other stakeholders in the organization, selected and implemented? * What value does the HR department generate for the customer – the end user of the company’s product or service? Sales and quality are no longer restricted to the sales and quality assurance teams. The HR department doesn’t just hire a salesperson based upon a manager’s request.The end result of HR’s recruiting and hiring efforts is that the customer who interacts with the new sales person receives continuing world class service from the company. HR shares the quality of the new hire with the other departmental silos to insure that the company is, or becomes, the vendor of choi ce for that customer. * The final of the three emerging concepts for the Human Resources Department is: What core business competencies must HR leaders possess in order to be credible strategic partners with the rest of the executive team?Each company and each industry can generate its own list of core business skills their teams must have that go beyond their individual specialties. This issue has become so critical that in graduate and undergraduate level business programs, new editions of Organizational Development textbooks are including chapters on financial calculations and ratios, corporate social responsibility, globalization, and major workforce diversity challenges, among others.The biggest barrier to profitability is ignorance – ignorance by many people about how the company makes money and how it achieves its objectives, and how all of the departmental silos are interdependent on each other. The myth that only finance people need to know about finance or that mark eting people are the only people who need to know about marketing is fast disappearing. In today’s business environment, profitable organizations require highly skilled employees who can solve complex problems using multi-disciplinary teams.Here are three examples how can HR be linked to profitability metrics: * A well known global company formed a group of HR professionals who developed processes and training programs in sales, customer service, workouts, project management, process improvement and leadership development that focused on critical performance issues for their internal and external customers. By partnering with operations, sales, and customer service they served as a catalyst to forge alliances, partnerships and agreements.Many of their efforts resulted in improved relationships that translated into â€Å"Preferred Provider Status†, which increased sales and lowered costs. All of their costs were liquidated by charging a fee for the service while creatin g net revenue. After two years, this HR group generated sales of $4 million and a profit margin in excess of 30% which was returned to the division budget at the end of each fiscal year. * Secondly, an HR team, partnering with the Audit staff, discovered that the accounts receivable turnover had moved from a preferred 30 days to 45 days during the past two years.They decided to let the chief credit officer go. The HR staff established criteria to identify candidates with the ability to reduce the ratio from 45 days back to 30 days. The HR staff recommended one candidate for hire. Within six months, the company’s DSO (Days Sales Outstanding) ratio was reduced to 35 days. * In a third case, while designing and negotiating a new health care and 401(k) plan, the HR leadership partnered with the sales and marketing team to determine if the cost of the program would erode the company’s market share and competitive pricing strategy.The resulting benefit program design achieve d its cost/benefit objectives without jeopardizing the company’s market share and pricing metrics. How do HR leaders and CEOs make the Human Resources Department to a Profitability Factor? Here are suggestions based on that the more employees become knowledgeably involved in the business, the better they will be able to become a more productive asset. * Develop a leadership development program that includes hands on training in all of the functional disciplines.For example, in the production department, identify the barriers that prevent managers from achieving efficiencies and savings; * Insist that Human Resources staff receive financial training so they understand the impact of cash flow, receivables, billing cycles, and so forth. If it is a public company, teach them how to read and understand company’s annual report. Reading the proxy statement is always informative – even if the information contained in it is reluctantly revealed, and occasionally masked w ith arcane accounting jargon; * Have HR staff participate in sales strategies, customer visits, and technology reviews.Encourage them to learn quality methods, process improvements techniques, terms and conditions, and contract negotiations with suppliers and customers. Engage them as process consultants (have them trained if necessary) so they can assist with growth initiatives; * Most importantly, hold all employees accountable for achieving the â€Å"critical numbers†established for your company. A superb HR department becomes irrelevant if the company is sliding into bankruptcy. The HR department's powerful value focuses on its contributions toward reversing the slide.It is important to Include HR employees as full business partners. They will rise to the occasion and surprise you by building your bottom line and becoming a profit center contributor as well as maintaining their traditional responsibilities – and they will be better at both. The intense and brutall y competitive business environment of our global and digital world needs the help of everyone in the company. Russian small enterprises do not practice the establishment of HR Departments in view of unprofitability of such a business organization.As the result, the majority of small enterprises do not develop any HR strategy. Thus I would like to present the unique HR strategy of Apple Inc. and how it is linked to company’s business strategy. Most firms strive to have a productive workforce. One of the best ways to measure workforce productivity is revenue per employee. Apple produces what can only be considered extraordinary revenue per employee; $2 million. A second measure of workforce productivity is profit per employee: nearly $478,000 for Apple (unbelievable considering it has a retail workforce).During 25 years Apple has been following the philosophy called â€Å"lean – management†which explains the prime drivers for Apple’s extraordinary employee productivity. For years, the leadership of Apple has followed the philosophy that having less is more, meaning that by purposely understaffing and operating with reduced funding, you can make the team more productive and innovative. Innovation at most firms is expensive because you must pay for a lot of trial and error.The lean approach, however, can improve innovation because with everything being tried, there simply isn’t enough time or money for major misses and re-do’s. â€Å"Unrealistic deadlines†at Apple mean that you have to get project problems solved early on, because there isn’t time to redo things over and over. Being lean forces the team to be more cohesive. Even providing a lean schedule forces everyone to be productive because they know there is no room for slippage. At Apple, the lean approach means that even with its huge cash resources, every employee must adopt the mentality of leanness.If you understand the lean concept and its advant ages, you shouldn’t be surprised that numerous innovations have been developed in â€Å"garages,†the ultimate lean environment. I have chosen an article â€Å"Human resource practices to attract and retain talents†by Hiltrop, 1999, because, in my opinion, it is very actual theme as businesses look for global growth, chronic skills gaps combined with a mismatch between demand and supply of talent means that getting (and keeping) the right people in the right places at the right time has never been more challenging.HR leaders need to mobilize talent to help businesses grow. This article explores one of the biggest issues and challenges now faced by large organizations: how to attract and retain a critical group of talented people. Getting talent management right means you can worry less about your talent problems and more about your business opportunities. It is very important to use a fact based approach to help identify the specific elements of talent manageme nt which drive the most value in your business and industry.It is needed to create a Talent Management Framework and Diagnostic to develop and implement strategies that deliver the right improvements – those that give you the best return on investment. So I can conclude that to win the war for talent, companies should figure out who they are aiming for, and then make sure the recruitment process and practices are tailored to the specific needs and expectations of the target group. I have chosen an article â€Å"Science and practice of HRM in small firms†by Mayson and Barret, 2006 because human capital (i. e. the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees) is one of the primary factors a business can rely on to differentiate their products or services and build a competitive advantage; however, few studies directly guide managers of small and growing firms through the people management issues that they will face through the lifecycle of their business. The recogniti on that human resource issues are important to small and growing firms is not new. For instance, in 1987 (Hess) was presented data that suggested that small business owners rank human resource related issues as the second most important management activity after general management.Further, was suggested that the majority of CEO's believe that human resource practices have a substantial impact on firm performance. Additionally, in 2008 were presented the results suggesting that sound hiring practices and training programs are considered important by small business owners who have 10 or more employees. A small firms' ability to attract, motivate and retain employees by offering competitive salaries and appropriate rewards is linked to firm performance and growth.Whilst the evidence does show that there is some form of HRM in small firms, it also confirms that the practice is characterized by informality. I personally think, that this is a problem, because informal HRM practices do not necessarily recognize the value of employees. Despite the recognition of the importance of HRM to small, growing and entrepreneurial firms, there is very little research in the area, there is even less research that explores the strategic nature of HRM in small firms.It is important to note, that properly developing strategic selection, training, and compensation programs takes time and financial resources. However, these short-term costs are almost always balanced by long term gain because the quality and caliber of employees (or human capital) within the firm improves. The improved caliber of employees and enhanced effort almost always has a positive financial impact for the organization.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Evaluate the Organization’s Involvement and Responsibility to the Community Essay
Evelyn Hamilton, Aaron Pobleh and Regina Taylor CJA/474: Managing Criminal Justice Personnel November 26, 2012 Instructor: Pam McIver The term motivation and empowerment is a universal concept that is hoped to work towards the good of any organization. Motivation and empowerment does not come from rewards to employees but instead, recognition, responsibility and advancement. Leaders who are effective in motivating and empowering their staff have acquired a great achievement, which can increase efficiency, and self development of skills and abilities. When employers are concerned about the welfare and needs of their staff, this provides trust among staff. The purpose of this paper is to compare motivation and empowerment, define the components of empowerment, analyze the implications of empowerment and delegation in a criminal justice organization and analyze the role of trust in personnel issues. Compare motivation and empowerment Motivation and empowerment are two words that are very popular in every workplace. Generally when one mention motivation, everyone would think it is what employer gives their employees, unfortunately, motivation in the workplace goes way far beyond that. Motivating your employees gives them authority to do more work for you and do it better. According to businessdictionary. com, motivation is both internal and external factors which desire and energize people to become committed to a job, role, or subject, or to strive to reach a goal. While empowerment is management practices which allow the sharing of information, power, and rewards with employees so that they can take initiative, and make decision to solve problems, and improve themselves as well as enhance their performance (www. usinessdictionary. com). Everyone need to feel empowered regarding their work ethic on the job or being assertive in life challenges and changes, but without the key elements of self-motivation, assertiveness and the ability to make good decision how would they be able to motivate others. Mangers of an organization should show through their behavior and actions how provide the necessary skills to be productive and efficient. This in turn will produce hap pier employees. Define the components of empowerment In order to be an effective leader a person would need to be empowering by those below them and therefore allow them to take initiative on their own. A leader that has poor management skill fails to empower anyone underneath him. For example, an office manager as well as a beginner officer within the work place or in the field must feel good about performing on their own and not feeling they will be overly scrutinized regarding their errors. They must not fear the aftermaths or punishments for taking individual decision making. When this happens, employees began to shun management for fear always doing something wrong. Employers should provide positive communication to their staff (National Empowerment Center). There was a research designed to examine the concept word of empowerment in this programs sponsored by multiple examiner of the criminal justice it was first anticipated to create a working definition. After research the â€Å"elements of empowerment were identified, including access to information, ability to make choices, assertiveness, and self-esteem. Empowerment has both an individual and a group dimension (Tom Roger, 2011). This research studied participants in self-help programs for people with no self-motivation and the need for encouragement. At the beginning of the study,†it was stated numerous of the individuals involved empower in their research. It’s obviously the important theory concerning the essential to defining meaning of empowerment as part of the development. Although it â€Å"recognized that empowerment had elements in common with such concepts as self-esteem and self-efficacy, these concepts did not fully capture what was considered a distinctiveness about empowerment†(Tom Roger, 2011). In an earlier â€Å"debates empowerment was†considered â€Å"complex, multidimensional concept, and that it described a process rather than an event†. It was never â€Å"believe that an individual had to display every quality on the list in order to be considered†empowered (Tom Roger, 2011). Analyze the implications of empowerment and delegation in a criminal justice organization Today the style and practices of police leadership is changing rapidly. The term shared leadership is one being used by many police chiefs all across the country. They believe that this approach to management by sharing power and influence to individuals within the organization, who are otherwise hierarchical unequal, will view their leadership as a leadership which looks at the broader aspect of giving authority to employees which will allow them to make decisions, solve problems, and be held accountable for their actions (Mussellwhite, 2007). Whenever officers are empowered they become dedicated to their jobs. Because they are given the skills, resources, authority, opportunity to be motivated and committed to their jobs, roles, or duties. Something which is refers to as being dedicated. Employees empowerment in a police department which delegate assignments, allow officers to take responsibility of their jobs results. It also allows them to make decisions about it. When officers are delegated with responsibilities, it makes them think in decision making, take control, behave, and take actions responsively, because they know that they will be held accountable for their actions. Police departments that apply employee empowerment create an environment in which their officers are empowered, productive and are happy in their jobs. Such police departments do not limit their employees to information (Heathfield, 2012). Analyze the role of trust in personnel issues. The role of trust in personnel issues involves how employees relate and respond to their employer. For example, if an employer is more concerned about getting the job done employees will pick up on that and will respond to their employer in a negative way. But when employers’ show that they truly care about their employee’s well being they will respond in a positive way. It would be in the organizations best interest for employers to take time to get to know their employees. Employers should empower their staff by allowing them to make important decisions in reference to their day to day duties. This will cause employees to respect their employers which will also lead to trust. When employees trust and respect the organization they will do the best possible work they are capable of doing. This in turn will lead to accountability on the part of the employee (Mussellwhite, 2007). When an employer gains the trust of their staff, they will know how to motivate each individual person for the best outcome of the organization. Employees understand that no organization is a perfect organization. When employees know and feel important to the organization, respect and trust will deepen. Respect and trust will take an organization to higher creativity and increased efficiency (Forbes. com, 2009). Positive communication is the cornerstone to empowerment and trust within an organization. When employers take the time to consider their staff opinions and feedback on daily operations, this can cause higher productivity and increase efficiently. Employers should share information about the organization with their staff. This provides for a clear picture of how the organization is progressing or not progressing. This also produces trust among employees because employers trust their staff (Mussellwhite, 2007). Conclusion In conclusion, this paper compared motivation and empowerment, defined the components of empowerment, analyzed the implications of empowerment and delegation in a criminal justice organization and analyzed the role of trust in personnel issues. Motivation and empowerment is about providing production and management guidelines to employees and then allows them to operate in an independent manner. Empowerment and delegation within the criminal justice system involves sharing power and influence to individuals within the organization, who are otherwise hierarchical unequal. This leadership looks at the broader aspect of giving authority to employees which will allow them to make decisions, solve problems, and be held accountable for their actions. The components of empowerment are about communication, feedback and productivity. Employees should be trained properly so that trust is gained through empowerment. A motivated and empowered employee will respect and trust the organization which will lead to accountability and responsibility. Leaders can gain great achievement when they effectively motivate and empower their staff into self development of skills and abilities. References Chris Musselwhite, 2007. Inc. Motivation=Empowerment; retrieved on November 22, 2012 from www. inc. com/resources/leadership/articles/20070801 Employees Empowerment: How to Empower employees. Retrieved on November 22, 2012 from www. humanresources. about. com/od/employeeempowerment Empowerment in the Workplace ttp://ezinearticles. com/? Empowerment-in-the-Workplace&id=6541445 Make sure your employees trust you or else. Forbes. com 2009. Retrieved from http://www. forbes. com/2009/03/23/trust-respect-employees-leadership-managing-blanchard. html. National Empowerment Center Article www. power2u. org/articles/empowerment/workingdef. html Susan Heathfield. 2012. What is Empowerment; Retrieved on November 22, 20 12 from www. businessdictionary. com/definition/empowerment. html What is Motivation; Retrieved on November 22, 2012 from www. Businessdictionary. com/definition/motivation. html
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Conjugating the Verb Emmener (to Take) in French
Conjugating the Verb Emmener (to Take) in French Similar to the verb, amener (to take or bring), emmener also means to take in French. This may be a simple verb, but conjugating it to the past, present, or future tense can be a little complicated. There are a few things to watch out for, which well examine in a short French lesson. Conjugating the French Verb Emmener When a verb ends with -e_er like emmener, the spelling needs to be changed for some of the conjugations. These are called stem-changing verbs and in many cases, the second E changes to an accented à ¨. While this may not make much difference in the pronunciation, it certainly does when youre writing it. If you pay attention to that small detail, the rest of the conjugations are easy. The infinitive endings that are attached to the verb stem are similar to those found in regular -er verbs, which make up the majority in the French language. If you have a few of those memorized, simply apply those endings to emmener. To conjugate emmener to mean taking, will take, or took, match the subject pronoun to the appropriate tense. For instance, I am taking is jemmà ¨ne while we will take is nous emmà ¨nerons. Practicing each of these in sample sentences will help you memorize them. Subject Present Future Imperfect j' emmà ¨ne emmà ¨nerai emmenais tu emmà ¨nes emmà ¨neras emmenais il emmà ¨ne emmà ¨nera emmenait nous emmenons emmà ¨nerons emmenions vous emmenez emmà ¨nerez emmeniez ils emmà ¨nent emmà ¨neront emmenaient The Present Participle of Emmener For emmener, the present participle is emmenant. There is no change to the verb stem, instead we simply add the ending -ant. Not only is this a verb, it may be used as an adjective, gerund, or noun as well. The Past Participle and Passà © Composà © The past tense can be formed using either the imperfect or the passà © composà ©. To construct the latter, conjugate the auxiliary verb avoir, then attach the past participle emmenà ©. As an example, I took is jai emmenà © and we took is nous avons emmenà ©. More Simple Emmener Conjugations There are a few more common conjugations of emmener that you may need to know. However, those discussed above should be a priority in your studies. When the verbs action is not guaranteed, you might use the subjunctive verb mood. Similarly, the conditional verb mood is used when something else needs to occur in order for the taking to happen. In formal writing, you might also encounter the passà © simple or the imperfect subjunctive. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive j' emmà ¨ne emmà ¨nerais emmenai emmenasse tu emmà ¨nes emmà ¨nerais emmenas emmenasses il emmà ¨ne emmà ¨nerait emmena emmenà ¢t nous emmenions emmà ¨nerions emmenà ¢mes emmenassions vous emmeniez emmà ¨neriez emmenà ¢tes emmenassiez ils emmà ¨nent emmà ¨neraient emmenà ¨rent emmenassent The imperative verb form is used for requests and demands. When using it, keep things short and sweet and drop the subject pronoun: use emmà ¨ne rather than tu emmà ¨ne. Imperative (tu) emmà ¨ne (nous) emmenons (vous) emmenez
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How Simone de Beauvoir Inspired Second Wave Feminism
How Simone de Beauvoir Inspired Second Wave Feminism â€Å"One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.†- Simone de Beauvoir, in The Second Sex Was Simone de Beauvoir a feminist? Her landmark book The Second Sex was one of the first inspirations to the activists of the Womens Liberation Movement, even before Betty Friedan wrote The Feminine Mystique. However, Simone de Beauvoir did not at first define herself as a feminist. Liberation Through Socialist Struggle In The Second Sex, published in 1949, Simone de Beauvoir downplayed her association with feminism as she then knew it. Like many of her associates, she believed that socialist development and class struggle were needed to solve societys problems, not a womens movement. When 1960s feminists approached her, she did not rush to enthusiastically join their cause. As the resurgence and reinvention of feminism spread during the 1960s, Simone de Beauvoir noted that socialist development had not left women better off in the USSR or in China than they were in capitalist countries. Soviet women had jobs and government positions but were still unfailingly the ones attending to the housework and children at the end of the workday. This, she recognized, mirrored the problems being discussed by feminists in the United States about housewives and womens roles. The Need for a Womens Movement In a 1972 interview with Alice Schwarzer, Simone de Beauvoir declared that she really was a feminist. She called her rejection of a womens movement a shortcoming of The Second Sex. She also said the most important thing women can do in their lives is work, so they can be independent. Work was not perfect, nor was it a solution to all problems, but it was the first condition for womens independence, according to Simone de Beauvoir. She lived in France, but Simone de Beauvoir continued to read and examine the writings of prominent U.S. feminist theorists such as Shulamith Firestone and Kate Millett. Simone de Beauvoir also theorized that women could not be truly liberated until the system of patriarchal society itself was overthrown. Yes, women needed to be liberated individually, but they also needed to fight in solidarity with the political left and the working classes. Her ideas were compatible with the belief that the personal is political. No Separate Womens Nature Later in the 1970s, Simone de Beauvoir, as a feminist, was dismayed by the idea of a separate, mystical feminine nature, a New Age concept that seemed to be gaining popularity. Just as I do not believe that women are inferior to men by nature, nor do I believe that they are their natural superiors either.- Simone de Beauvoir, in 1976 In The Second Sex, Simone de Beauvoir had famously stated, One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman. Women are different from men because of what they have been taught and socialized to do and be. It was dangerous, she said, to imagine an eternal feminine nature, in which women were more in touch with the earth and the cycles of the moon. According to Simone de Beauvoir, this was just another way for men to control women, by telling women they are better off in their cosmic, spiritual eternal feminine, kept away from mens knowledge and left without all the mens concerns like work, careers, and power. A Return to Enslavement The notion of a womans nature struck Simone de Beauvoir as further oppression. She called motherhood a way of turning women into slaves. It did not have to be that way, but it usually ended up that way in society precisely because women were told to concern themselves with their divine nature. They were forced to focus on motherhood and femininity instead of politics, technology or anything else outside of home and family. Given that one can hardly tell women that washing up saucepans is their divine mission, they are told that bringing up children is their divine mission.- Simone de Beauvoir, in 1982 This was a way of rendering women second-class citizens: the second sex. Transformation of Society The Womens Liberation Movement helped Simone de Beauvoir become more attuned to the day-to-day sexism women experienced. Yet, she did not think it was beneficial for women to refuse to do anything the mans way or refuse to take on qualities deemed masculine. Some radical feminist organizations rejected leadership hierarchy as a reflection of masculine authority and said no single person was in charge. Some feminist artists declared they could never truly create unless they were completely separate from male-dominated art. Simone de Beauvoir recognized that Womens Liberation had done some good, but she said feminists should not utterly reject being a part of the mans world, whether in organizational power or with their creative work. From Simone de Beauvoirs point of view, the work of feminism was to transform society and womens place in it. Read more of Alice Schwarzers interviews with Simone de Beauvoir in her book After the Second Sex: Conversations With Simone de Beauvoir, published by Pantheon Books in 1984.)
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Questions on Investment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Questions on Investment - Essay Example With the combination of these securities in the portfolio investors can minimize their risk without sacrificing their expected return. Ans 1b In table 1, we can see correlation coefficients of five different funds, if we want to invest in any of the two funds in the portfolio with minimum risk. For example Aviva Property and HSBC Asian Growth with correlation coefficient 0.10 can minimize the risk without sacrificing any of their expected return. In such a combination of these funds the risk will be diversified effectively without decreasing the level of expected return whatsoever. Ans 1c We have a portfolio of two funds, Aviva property and HSBC Asian Growth. We have also combined other funds and analyzed their risk exposure and found that their portfolio has minimum levels of risk. This investor is investing 50% of the cash in both the funds minimizing its risk without change in the expected return. Aviva property has risk of 2.3% with negative return while HSBC shows 6.5% risk with a good level of return. If investors will invests separately in these funds, the risk will be more but in other combinations the risk will also be greater. Ans 1d i) As shown in figure 1, the curved line denoted with (a) is referred to as Efficient frontier while the straight line denoted by b is referred to as capital market line. The other points mentioned in the figure are, D which is the risk free rate and C is the market portfolio. ii) When an investor has a portfolio at point E as shown in figure 1, where return is also decreasing but not that much with the risk. Every investor wants to hold the C point where only market risk is to be faced, but all the other risks are diversified and at point E the risk associated with the portfolio is high but both systematic and unsystematic risk are in its way. Only unsystematic risk is diversifiable but other risks can also be shown at beta. iii) Every investor tries to reduce the risk associated with its portfolio. If the investor is wi lling to accept 10% of risk as shown in figure 1 it is difficult to get good results. As the risk is high and return is also high, this position becomes more sensitive to the market fluctuations. At this position a slight change in the market will affect the portfolio more. Investors can go for the risk free return but it is usually unrealistic as allowances for the differences in borrowing makes the model more complicated. Ans 2a In US-style option, the buyer has the right to exercise at any time before the expiry of the option and counterparty must follow in the part of the buyer of option for execution. Counterparty doesn’t have any right to deny the execution of the option before the expiry of the risk associated with the counterparty. The reason for counterparty risk is basically due to the credit risk of the option writer (Klein and Yang 2010, p.1) Ans 2b The biggest advantage of using options contracts is that it gives stability and security to the investors and the tr aders. This makes them contribute more in the market operations and also greatly contribute to the economy. It reduces the risks involved and also increase investors confidence thus they buy more options the agents sells. Since unsystematic risk is normally unverifiable, the risk occurs due to external factors which are unpredictable. In order to minimize
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